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Get Involved: Shallotte

Become part of an enthusiastic community that shares your passion. Volunteers are critical in all parts of Shallotte. Volunteer today!

Class/Activity Leaders Get Involved Photo

Class/Activity Leaders

This Volunteer would instruct a class in an area that he/she is qualified. Classes could vary from a simple art class to a more complex wellness or educational class. Some examples of activities that volunteers could participate in include calling bingo, teaching a craft class, teaching an educational class and leading a group exercise class.


Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Front Desk Assistance  Get Involved Photo

Front Desk Assistance

Volunteers in this role will be assigned to the reception area of a senior center to assist participants and center staff with daily operations. The importance of this role is to meet and greet participants with a smile and make them feel welcome.


Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Meal Prep Team/Kitchen Assistance  Get Involved Photo

Meal Prep Team/Kitchen Assistance

Volunteers in this role will help with the everyday activities that take place in the kitchen of a Senior Center, which include portioning meals into meal trays for Meals on Wheels Delivery to homebound seniors. Cupping fruit, salads, and other items to be delivered to the homebound clients through our Meals on Wheels program. A Volunteer can also choose to come during our lunch hour to help serve lunch to seniors who are at the center, they  may also be asked to help with clean up after the meal service takes place. 


Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

Meals Delivery Team (Meals on Wheels Delivery) Get Involved Photo

Meals Delivery Team (Meals on Wheels Delivery)

Meals on Wheels volunteers deliver warm meals daily to homebound adults in their own vehicle but we do give mile reimbursement. 


Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.

SHIIP Team (Senior Health Insurance Information) Get Involved Photo

SHIIP Team (Senior Health Insurance Information)

A SHIIP volunteer will meet one-on-one with clients to provide helpful information regarding Medicare plan decisions.



Ready to get involved?

Apply online to become a volunteer.
